showing 19 games

name arrow_upwardpublisher(developer)yeartags
World of Warcraft  Blizzard2004 4thwallbroken abilitycriticals arcanepunk bittorrent centauroids circlingbirdies clansystem classbased controlmalfunction criticalchance direanimals druids elevatedglitch elves emotes enchanting giantshoulderpads group-super groupbuffs highfantasy homingboulders hudcustomization ingamebrowser interrupting ipv4 ipv6 jigglephysics jumpingpuzzles killaward-firsthit klaatubaradanikto languagefilter lua magic manaburn mmog moderationbenefit mpinstances msaa multilevelsecurity mystics orcs osx osx-3 owlbears paladins parentalcontrols piecemealcreatures powernegation ragers sciencefantasy screenshake shapeshifters socketables sorcery stylized subscription threatsystem updateretcon uvl-tiein warcraft wow xml xp-exploration labelminimizeminimize
White Night OSome Studio2015 1930s 20thcentury earth lamp limitedpalette maleprotagonist mansion northamerica oengine osx osx-8 selectivecolor stylized usa x86 labelminimizeminimize
Virginia 505 Games (Variable State)2016 stylized labelminimizeminimize
This War of Mine 11 bit studios2014 autumnal bleak circadiancycle civilianprotagonist crafting desaturated doorpeep doors download fatigue gog group hunger injuries inventory ladders randomevents rats ruins scavenging serious soundlocator stealth stealth-sound steampowered stylized survival survivalsimulation trading war labelminimizeminimize
The Magic Circle Question2015 4thwallbroken chromaticaberration demo diaries failedproject-theme falseending glitchvisuals interactivepurgatory metahacking narrator no4thwall satire selectivecolor steampowered stylized undefinedelements unreliablenarrator zoom labelminimizeminimize
The Flame in the Flood The Molasses Flood2016 alphafunding ambienttemperature animals autumnal backtrackingdenied bows capacity-slots circadiancycle companion crafting crowdfunded dynamicweather earth fatigue femaleprotagonist gog humblestore humblewidget hunger hypothermia injuries insects inventory island lamp limitedcapacity lowpoly mapgenerator permadeath postsocietal premadeprotagonist rafting rapid ravens recipes resting river roguelite ruins scavenging shallowwater snakes soundtrack splatter steampowered stylized thirst trapping usagereporting vaguedate walking wildboars wilderness wildlife wolves labelminimizeminimize
Shelter 2 Might and Delight2015 angular animalprotagonist download felidprotagonist femaleprotagonist gog hunting indie naturalweapons nature-theme openworld procreation steampowered stylized wintery labelminimizeminimize
Shank ? (Klei Entertainment)2011 arid bossbattles chainsaw elimination enforcedprogression fallbackweapon firearms grappling grenades handguns humblebundle indie jumping knives knockup lightbloom macho mp-cooperative personalquest physfs powertools revenge shank-series splatter stylized titlementioned vigilanteprotagonist walking wallclimbing walljumping wallrunning labelminimizeminimize
Parallax Toasty Games2015 abstract-location commercial jumping license-proprietary movingplatforms osx osx-6 shadermodel2 stylized walking x86 labelimageminimize
Overfall Pera Games2016 crowdfunded difficulty-time grid grid-hex magic overworld playerfeedback portals statuseffects steampowered stylized ugc labelminimizeminimize
Night in the Woods Finji (Infinite Fall)2017 animalpeople anthroprotagonist branchingstory crowdfunded download earthlike felidprotagonist femaleprotagonist narrativedriven sliceoflife steampowered stylized unity-engine youngadultprotagonist labelminimizeminimize
Neverending Nightmares Infinitap Games2014 crowdfunded dark gog gore handdrawn humblewidget jumpscares lamp limitedpalette multipleendings paranormal psychologicalhorror selectivecolor steampowered stylized whispers labelminimizeminimize
Little Briar Rose Mangatar Games (Elf Games Works)2017 clickadventure colorful commercial directx11 directx9 download fairytalebasis handdrawn indie license-proprietary osx osx-5 osx-6 shadermodel3 stainedglass steampowered stylized x86 labelminimizeminimize
Little Briar Rose Mangatar Games (Elf Games Works)2017 clickadventure colorful commercial directx11 directx9 download fairytalebasis handdrawn indie license-proprietary osx osx-5 osx-6 shadermodel3 stainedglass steampowered stylized labelminimizeminimize
Don't Starve Klei Entertainment2013 crafting hypothermia mapgenerator monsters openworldsurvivalcrafting permadeath pooritemgrip resourceharvesting scientistprotagonist steampowered stylized survival survivalsimulation wilderness labelminimizeminimize
Diablo III  Blizzard Entertainment2012 3ormoreplayers actionrpg activeabilityset antagonistawareness automap caprinoids castle chapterreplay chapterreplay-cumulative childlock classbased claws combatstilettos crossworldcharacters demonicinvasion demons destructibleenvironment diablo difficulty-charscaling difficulty-players drm drm-online dungeon fasttravel-points fatties genderchoice ghosts giantmonsters gore hackandslash havokphysics humanoidanimals license-crossplatform lootemup magic meleeweapons minimap monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-dropin multilevelsecurity naga pinatacreatures polyplopicenemies premadecharacters rating-bbfc-15 rating-pegi-16 reanimators skeletons socketables sorcery souljar splatter stylized summoning swords taxonomy teleport titularcharacter treants unarmedfighting undead undeadanimals voiceovers zombies labelimageminimize
Cinders moacube (SakeVisual;moacube)2012 bright commercial dark demo dustmotes fairytalebasis femaleprotagonist grimmsfairytales handdrawn inconsistentstyle license-proprietary osx picturesque stylized uvl-osversion vibrant visualnovel labelminimizesubject
Braid Number None2009 aspectratio-16-9 commercial demo did doors download hopandbop humblebundle igfinnovationaward indie instantstart keys killerrabbits langchinesetrad letterbox levelhub nomenu osx puzzleplatformer singlecontroller stylized time-theme timecontrol titlementioned undo unreliablenarrator vorbis widescreen labelminimizeminimize
Apotheon Alientrap Games2015 antiquity apocalyptic axes blocking bludgeons chosenone crafting crafting-sites dark-limited defensebreaking deities dodging doors drm dropplatforms enemyhealthdisplay gianthumanoids gog grecoromanmythology greekpotteryart healthpickups interactivedialogs inventory inversekinematics itemdurability javelins knives knockback ladders lamp lockpicking loot-random loot-unexpected map meleeweapons nodrm nudity opengl osx osx-10 osx-7 polearms raiders rating-pegi-16 rats shields shopping skeletalanimation splatter steampowered stylized swords throwanything thrownweapons tumbling uvl-steamcoveragecheck walking labelminimizeminimize